News Articles
We understand your business goals and we see the real possibilities of how Data and collaboration unlocks the Data value.
Former Jobvite CEO, Dan Finnigan, Joins Filtered &...
Filtered automates technical interviews and reduces bias to dramatically speed hiring, deliver the highest quality matc...

Northeastern University Launches The Institute For...
How to do AI right? How to make AI successful in the real world? What is the best way to help traditional companies and...

Institute for Experiential AI at Northeastern Univ...
The Boston Business Journal sat down with our executive director, Usama Fayyad, to discuss why the Institute for Experi...

The Morning Download: Weekly AI Insights
Good Morning, CIOs. Killer robots have long been confined to the world of science fiction. But according to new re...

News from the week beginning 17th January 2022
PSA continues to draw the interest of venture capital firms. This week BigTime Software receives $100 million...

Appointment of Usama Fayyad as Non-Executive Direc...
FD Technologies (AIM: FDP.L, Euronext Growth: FDP.I) today announces the appointment of Usama Fayyad as a Non-Exec...

Former Barclays chief data officer joins board of ...
FD Technologies – formerly First Derivatives – has appointed Usama Fayyad as a non-executive director. Mr Fayyad...

Here’s why the new union at Google could be good...
A small group of Google employees and contractors stunned Silicon Valley on Jan. 4 when they announced the formation of...

Dr. Ibrahim Gokcen joins Open Insights as Presiden...
Open Insights, a Data strategy, technology and strategic consulting company specializing in BigData, Data science, mach...

Northeastern names Usama Fayyad to lead institute ...
Usama Fayyad, a longtime leader in Data Science and AI, will be joining Northeastern as the inaugural executive director...

Artificial Intelligence talent shortage at a glanc...
With the ever-growing integration of artificial intelligence (AI) in our modern life, practically every company is seek...

IADSS research updates – Usama Fayyad’...
IADSS Co-founder Usama Fayyad was the keynote speaker at ODSC Boston 2019 and talked about the research; findings on th...