11 April, 2024 Listen Now

 How Data Happened and AI Implications

Usama Fayyad speaks with Chris Wiggins – Associate Professor at Columbia University and Chief Data Scientist at The New York Times. Tune in to hear Chris discuss his history in data and AI, and hear his views on social physics, generative AI, and experiential AI. Speaker’s name: Chris Wiggins Speaker Bio: Chris Wiggins received a B.A. in Physics with a minor in Math from Columbia College i...

7 June, 2023 Listen Now

AI in Computational Medicine

Usama Fayyad speaks with Rai Winslow – Director of Life Science and Medical Research at The Roux Institute. Tune in to hear Rai discuss his history in life sciences, medicine, Computational Medicine, and hear his views on the limitations of AI-based approaches. Speaker’s name: Rai Winslow Speaker Bio: Raimond Winslow is a world-renowned leader in computational medicine, which applies math...

20 April, 2023 Listen Now

AI, NLP, and ChatGPT

Usama Fayyad speaks with Kenneth Church – professor of the practice at the Khoury College of Computer Sciences at Northeastern University. Tune in to hear Kenneth discuss his history in Information Retrieval, NLP, and search technology, and hear his views on the interest surrounding ChatGPT. Speaker’s name: Kenneth Church Speaker Bio: Kenneth Church is professor of the practice at the Khoury Co...

29 March, 2023 Listen Now

AI + Life Sciences

In this podcast, Samuel Scarpino, an expert in the field of AI and life sciences, shares his story of how he transitioned from a field biologist and geneticist to an AI expert. He discusses how his background in biology influences the kind of work he is planning to do at the Institute for Experiential AI. Reflecting on his role in the global response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Scarpino shares his insights on the potential role...

30 January, 2023 Listen Now

AI in Cancer Therapeutics

Usama Fayyad speaks with Samir Khleif – Biomedical Scholar, Professor of Oncology @ Georgetown University. Tune in to hear Samir discuss the current role of AI in cancer therapeutics, and his views on how AI will help in developing drugs in the future.     Samir Khleif :   As we tackle these problems of understanding cancer, immune systems response, and therapeutics: how have computational approaches been...

23 November, 2022 Listen Now

Fintech and Beyond

Usama Fayyad speaks with Derek White – CEO of Galileo Financial Technologies. Tune in to hear Derek discuss fintech, how humans interact with technology and money, and his views on how human behavior changes with the interface that they engage with. Speaker’s name: Derek White Watch on   YouTube! Listen on  Spotify! Your browser does not support the audio element...

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