In this podcast, Samuel Scarpino, an expert in the field of AI and life sciences, shares his story of how he transitioned from a field biologist and geneticist to an AI expert. He discusses how his background in biology influences the kind of work he is planning to do at the Institute for Experiential AI. Reflecting on his role in the global response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Scarpino shares his insights on the potential role of AI in helping us prevent another pandemic. He also discusses the biggest risks to leveraging AI in this context, including issues related to data privacy, government regulation, and data availability. Scarpino sheds light on the field of network science and its importance in the life sciences. He shares his thoughts on the opportunities at the interface of AI and network science and how AI practitioners can benefit from incorporating network science into their work
Speaker’s name: Samuel Scarpino
Speaker Bio: Samuel Scarpino is the Director of AI + Life Sciences and a Professor of the Practice in Health Sciences and Computer Science at Northeastern University. He also holds appointments in the Institute for Experiential AI and the Network Science, Global Resilience, and Roux Institutes. Prior to joining Northeastern, he was the Vice President of Pathogen Surveillance at The Rockefeller Foundation. Outside of Northeastern, he is an External Professor at both the Santa Fe Institute and the Vermont Complex Systems Center and a Co-Founder of Global.health.
Listen to this exciting podcast with insightful answers to provocative questions, with Usama Fayyad and Samuel Scarpino.
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